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Gardening reduces risk of heart attack?

Gardening is like an apple that keeps your doctors away. (in a good way).

Let’s dig into some not-so-boring scientific facts that show just how your garden is growing

Not just your plants but your wellbeing!

1. Gardening helps you get Vitamin D

A few rays of garden sunshine can boost your Vitamin D levels, which is essential to keep your bones healthy and your immunity high.

2. Gardening helps with mindfulness and mental clarity

According to research in the "Journal of Health Psychology," getting your hands dirty can lower stress more effectively than other leisure activities.

Hands in soil planting
Getting Hands Dirty For More Energy And Less Stress!

3. Gardening helps you grow fresh food and medicinal herbs for better health

Your homegrown produce is not only fresher but can also lead to better gut health.

Fresh greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

The "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" tells us that leafy greens can reduce the risk of heart disease and obesity.

Herbs on the other hand have been reported to have antioxidant properties, showing how they protect against cellular damage.

4. Gardening helps to get you moving, and those steps add up!

The "American Journal of Public Health" has found that community gardeners have a lower body mass index compared to their non-gardening neighbors.

5. Gardening helps you improve your state of mind and confidence

Getting in touch with nature through gardening can improve your mood and self-esteem, according to a study published in "Mind."

A grandma and grandson bonding together by tending the plants in the garden
Gardening also helps you bond with your loved ones!

Experience has already shown us how beneficial gardening is for our overall well-being.

Science is just there to prove it.

So if you want to optimize your health while enjoying gardening…

Then it’s time to get out there and "grow more in 2024"

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